Marry a foreigner in Vietnam

Marry a foreigner in Vietnam. What should I do if I want to marry a foreigner in Vietnam? What procedures, processes and regulations are there? Which agency handles the registration of marriages with foreign nationals? What procedures are required to marry a foreigner? … These are questions that people care about and ask questions about. The Quoc Bao method specifically advises the following:

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Where should I submit my marriage registration with a foreigner?

Hello, I’m a lawyer. This is NHX from BD . I am 33 years old and currently want to marry a Korean man. I went to the People’s Committee of the commune where I was staying to apply, but they told me that the district had no authority. It seems that everyone registers their marriage in the commune, but why isn’t my case registered? Is the commune People’s Committee causing difficulties for me ? Can I file a complaint to resolve the above issues? Thank you.

Marry a foreigner in Vietnam
Marry a foreigner in Vietnam


2014 provides as follows:

Article 37 Authority to submit marriage registration

  1. The People’s Committee of the district where Vietnamese nationals reside shall register marriages between Vietnamese nationals and foreigners. Between Vietnamese nationals residing in the country and Vietnamese nationals residing abroad. Vietnamese people living overseas. Between a Vietnamese national who also holds a foreign nationality and a Vietnamese national or foreigner .
  2. When a foreigner residing in Vietnam applies for marriage registration in Vietnam, the district-level People’s Committee of either place of residence must register the marriage.

Therefore, according to the provisions of the above law, when marrying a foreigner, the authority to submit marriage registration belongs to the district People’s Committee. The answer to you of the People’s Committee of the Commune about the authority to register such marriages is well-founded.

What procedures are required to marry a foreigner?

I have a question that I would like some advice on. Currently, I am a party member and hold the positions of secretary and treasurer of the Xuan Thien Commune People’s Committee. I applied for leave of absence on July 28, 2015, but it has not been resolved. I applied for a marriage status certificate because I need to submit a marriage registration with a foreigner (Taiwanese), but they refused to sign the confirmation form.

Reason: I still work in government agencies, especially as a party member. Therefore, please tell me whether such a refusal is correct or incorrect according to the provisions of the law. If so, please advise on issues regarding party membership and what procedures are required to file a favorable marriage registration. So, I hope a lawyer can help! I hope you get legal advice soon. Sincerely thank.


The conditions for marrying a foreigner are as follows:

8 of the Marriage and Family Act 2014 stipulates the conditions for marriage as follows:

Married men and women must meet the following conditions: men must be 20 years old, women must be 18 years old. Marriage is a voluntary decision between a man and a woman. Civil conduct capacity is not lost. This marriage does not fall under any of the cases where marriage is prohibited as set out in Article 5, Section 2, a , b , c and d of this Law .

–The state does not recognize same-sex marriage.

Additionally, in marriages between Vietnamese citizens and foreigners, each party must follow its own laws regarding the terms of the marriage. If the marriage takes place in a Vietnamese competent authority, foreigners must also comply with the provisions of this law regarding marriage conditions. ( Article 126 of the Marriage and Family Act 2014 )

There is no clause in the party constitution that prohibits party members from marrying foreigners.

Considering the above provisions, if you both meet the conditions set by law, you have the right to register your marriage and be protected by law. According to the information you provided, it is incorrect for the competent authorities to refuse to confirm your marital status.

Marriage registration procedure

No. 126/2014/ND-CP detailing the implementation of many provisions of the Marriage and Family Law regarding marriage and family relations involving foreign elements :

2.1. The marriage registration will be made in one set , including the following documents for each party :

a) Marriage registration declaration (in prescribed format )

b) Marital status certificate or marriage registration declaration confirming marital status of Vietnamese nationals issued within 6 months from the date of receipt of the application. A document certifying the marital status of a foreigner, issued by the competent authority of the country of citizenship within six months from the date of receipt of the application, certifying that the foreigner is currently unmarried .

If foreign law does not provide for the issuance of a document certifying marital status, it shall be replaced by a declaration from a person who is currently unmarried or unmarried in accordance with the law of the country concerned.

c) Receiving a certificate that the person does not suffer from mental illness or other illness, issued by a competent medical institution in Vietnam or abroad, issued within 6 months from the date of receipt of the application; A certificate proving that this is not possible. and control your own actions .

d) A copy of a document proving your identity, such as an identity card or passport (for Vietnamese nationals residing in the country), a passport or alternative documents such as a passport or residence card (for foreign nationals and Vietnamese nationals residing abroad);

d) Copy of family register or temporary residence register (for Vietnamese nationals residing in the country), permanent residence card or temporary residence card or temporary residence certificate (for foreigners permanently or temporarily residing in Vietnam); marriage between men; ) .

*In addition to the documents stipulated in Paragraph 1 of this article, depending on the case, both the male and female parties may be required to submit the following applicable documents.

a) For Vietnamese nationals serving in the military or doing work directly related to state secrets, a letter from the central-level agency or branch or local-level controlling organization certifying marriage with a foreigner; certificate must be submitted. does not affect the protection of state secrets or violate the department’s regulations ;

b) Vietnamese nationals who are divorced in a foreign competent institution must submit written certification that the divorce has been recorded in the foreign civil register in accordance with Vietnamese law .

c) For Vietnamese nationals who hold foreign nationality at the same time, a document certifying marital status issued by a competent foreign institution is also required .

d) For foreigners who do not permanently reside in Vietnam, a certificate issued by a competent foreign institution certifying that the person is eligible for marriage according to the laws of the country is required .

d) A foreigner who divorced a Vietnamese national in a foreign competent authority must submit written documentation proving the recording of the divorce in the civil register in accordance with the provisions of Vietnamese law .

– Based on specific circumstances, the Minister of Justice shall supplement the certification of marriage and family counseling and support centers with foreign elements where Vietnamese nationals receive counseling and support. Support for marriages and families with foreign elements in marriage registration documents To meet the requirements of state control over marriages and families with foreign elements.

2.2. Marriage registration documents shall be submitted directly to the Ministry of Justice if the marriage is registered in Vietnam, or directly to the representative agency if the marriage is registered in a representative agency.

– The official receiving the application will check the application documents and, if the application is complete and valid, will issue a receipt of the application specifying the interview date and results return date.

If the documents are incomplete or invalid, the Document Receiving Officer shall instruct the male and female parties to supplement and complete the application. The guide document must fully and clearly describe the types of documents that need to be supplemented and completed. The staff member who receives the application will sign it, write their full name and hand it to the applicant. The deadline for processing the marriage registration is counted from the date of receipt of complete and valid documents and fees.

the requester submits the documents to the wrong authority as specified in Article 6 of this Decree, the Document Receiving Officer shall direct the requester to the competent authority to submit the documents.

– The procedure for receiving documents prescribed in paragraph 2 of this article also applies when receiving documents for recognition registration of father and child, mother and child, issuance of certificate of marital status, recognition of marriage, and recording in the registry. . Acknowledgment of parents and children shall be made in accordance with the provisions of this Decree, except for the provisions regarding recording of interview dates.

Marry a foreigner in Vietnam
Marry a foreigner in Vietnam

What are the procedures if I have married a foreigner?

Dear lawyer! I had a husband, but I submitted a marriage registration. However, she later divorced her husband. Now I’m dating and falling in love with a foreigner named Kevin. Can I register your marriage with Kevin ? So, did Kevin know you were married?

thank you!


It is known that you are married and have registered your marriage. However, she later divorced her husband. You are currently dating and in love with a foreigner named Kevin, and you want to marry him. But you haven’t clearly provided whether you want to register in Vietnam or abroad.

– Case 1: Your case is a marriage with a foreign element, so if you go abroad to get married, you must follow the regulations and all marriage procedures for marriage with a foreign element. Your marriage is subject to Japanese law. The country where the person you are marrying lives.

– Case 2: Currently Vietnamese if you submit your marriage registration with Kevin at a representative office, consulate or other institution authorized by the consular function of Vietnam within Vietnam or in a foreign country where Kevin actually resides. And if a foreign marriage is registered, then such registration does not violate the laws of the foreign country where Kevin lives. Marriage registration procedures are specified in Articles 19 , 20 and 23 of Decree 126/2014/ND-CP, which in particular guides the implementation of the Law on Marriage and Family . as follows:

  • Step 1: The parties shall apply for marriage registration with the Ministry of Justice or the agency, if the marriage is registered with the agency.
  • Step 2: The Ministry of Justice or representative agency conducts interviews with both the man and the woman to determine the identity of both parties and the voluntary marriage.
  • Step 3: The representative body, the Ministry of Justice, will conduct an examination of the documents, report the results, and submit them to the Provincial People’s Committee for a decision on signing the marriage registration certificate.
  • Step 4: The representative agency, the Ministry of Justice, conducts the marriage registration ceremony for both the man and the woman.

What documents do I need to marry a foreigner?

–Declaration of marriage registration using the prescribed format.

– Certificate of marital status of each party, issued by the competent authority of the country of which the marriage applicant is a national, and within 6 months from the date of receipt of documents certifying that the parties are married . Corporation, unmarried or unmarried.

– If the law of the country of which the marriage applicant is a national does not provide for the issuance of a marital status certificate, the marital status certificate can be replaced by a sworn certificate by the parties (currently unmarried). or unmarried according to the laws of that country.

– Issued within 6 months from the date of receipt of the application, issued by a competent medical institution in Vietnam or abroad, and that the person does not currently suffer from mental illness or other diseases that cannot be cured . Certificate to prove. and control your own actions.

– Notarized or certified copies of identity documents (for Vietnamese nationals staying in the country), passport or alternative documents such as passports or residence cards (for foreigners and Vietnamese nationals).

– Notarized or certified household register, group population certificate, or fixed-term temporary residence registration certificate (for Vietnamese nationals in the country), permanent residence card, or temporary residence card, or temporary residence certificate (for foreigners in Vietnam) case) .

Where can I register my marriage with a foreigner?

– When a Vietnamese citizen marries a foreigner, the competent authority to register the marriage is the People’s Committee of the city under the central government of the province where the Vietnamese citizen permanently resides.

– When Vietnamese people marry abroad, or when a Vietnamese person residing abroad and a foreigner marry, the competent authority for marriage registration procedures is Vietnam (Vietnamese consulate or The representative organization will be the overseas diplomatic mission . The woman or both parties are Vietnamese nationals residing temporarily.

Marriage registration service with foreigners – Law Quoc Bao

“Legal services regarding civil status and marriage registration with foreigners – Quoc Bao Law”

With the ever-evolving law, the process of applying for civil status and registering marriages with foreigners has become very important. Our legal services provide solutions to these important aspects based on Law Quoc Bao, ensuring that individuals wishing to apply for civil status and couples registering to marry foreigners have a smooth and law-abiding process . Guaranteed trip.

We recognize that civil status and legal procedures related to international marriages can be very complex. Our team of experienced legal professionals is committed to providing expert guidance and support throughout this process, while adhering to the intricate details set out in national security laws.

Our comprehensive legal services include:

  1. **Assistance with applying for civil status**: Our team helps individuals understand the requirements and procedures for applying for civil status under the Quoc Bao Law. From application preparation to submission and follow-up, we ensure the process is accurate and legally compliant .
  2. **Foreign Marriage Registration**: Foreign marriage registration procedures require special legal procedures. We will provide guidance and assistance in completing the necessary documents and formalities so that your marriage is legally recognized under the Quoc Bao Law .
  3. **Overcoming legal complexities**: Legal issues related to civil status and international marriages can be very complex. Our legal experts will tackle these complex issues, answer your questions, and resolve any issues that arise along the way .
  4. **Documentation and Compliance**: It is very important to ensure that you have all required documentation and are compliant with national security laws. We will thoroughly review and help you prepare the necessary documents to avoid unnecessary delays and troubles .

Quoc Bao Law , we are committed to upholding the principles of transparency, compliance and professionalism in all our legal services. We recognize the importance of these legal proceedings in your life and are committed to helping you through this process with dedication and expertise. Our mission is to make the path to citizenship and international marriage as smooth and successful as possible, while protecting your legal rights and interests.

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Please contact hotline /zalo : 0763387788 .

Address : 528 Le Van Sy , District 14 , District 3 , Ho Chi Minh City

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